Kitos naujienos
Piano Music Concert V. Geodakian, A. Grigoryan – class of the Prof. A. Paley
Congratulations to student Ihor Danyleiko (prof. V.Prudnikovas class) for Grand Prix in International Competition online in Slovenia
Class Concert of Prof. Alexander Paley
Vida Miknevičiūtė (soprano, Lithuania/Germany) Master Classes for Vocal Department students
Christmas Concert – a gift from the VMU Music Academy to the VMU Community, on December 14, at 4.00 PM at VMU Great Hall
Chamber Music Concert of students of Prof. Alexander Paley on 24th of November at Music Academy
Erasmus BIP “International Magnus Piano Week” at Vytautas Magnus University Music Academy: creative and cultural week for pianists
Alumna of the Music Academy to Discuss Liberal Arts and Employability at Vytautas Magnus University’s Alumni Day with Meiqi Zhang participation
Congratulations to the laureates of the VII-th Vilnius International Youth Music Competition “Premio Scarlatti” 2024—students of the Piano Department and their teachers
B4 course student Artem Tereshchenko (assoc. prof. J. Dvarionas class) performed in Italy
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Concert Piano students of VMU Music Academy, The Royal Danish Academy of Music and The Norwegian Academy of Music, October 23rd
Master Classes for String Department Cello Specialization Students Prof. Henrik Brendstrup (Denmark), October 26
Prof. Marina Bartoli Lecture and Master Class for Vocal Department Students, October 30
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK CONCERT on 21st of October at 6 p.m. at Music Academy
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Prof. Toms Ostrovskis October 22-23
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Prof. Marianna Shirinyan October 22-24
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Assoc. Prof. Šviesė Čepliauskaitė October 22-24
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Prof. Christopher Park October 22-24
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Prof. Donaldas Račys October 22-24
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK Lecture “The Psychology of Stage Fright” Lecturer PhD Psychologist Dovilė Petronytė Kvedarauskienė
MAGNUS PIANO WEEK lecture “leopol Godowsky: His life, Art and Legacy” VMU lecturer Rimantas Vingras
The 30th Pažaislis Music Festival invites musicians of different specialities and fields to join the social concert project “Meetings in Music”
Prof. Antonello Timpani (clarinet, Italy) Master Classes for the Wind Department students
Radu Ratoi (accordion) Master Classes at 16th of October
Public lecture “The Analysis of Particular Rhythmic Structure” by Prof. Chiara Rapisarda (Italy)
Master Classes for Accompaniment students of the Piano Department Prof. Sofia Marocco (Italy)
Master Classes for students of the Piano Department Prof. Gianfranco Pappalardo (Italy)
EZIO GHIBAUDO (Italy) Master Class for the accordionists
PIANO WEEK at Music Academy: Master Classes on 20th-23rd of May and Final students’ concert on 23rd of May
DuoKeira (Italy) Piano Duo concert on 20th of May at Music Academy
Prof. Roberto Russo (Italy) Piano Masterclasses
Some photo moments from Prof. G.Pappalardo, Prof.Ch.Rapisarda and Prof. S. Marocco (Italy) public lecture at Music Academy
Piano Music Evening will be held in Kaunas School of Sacred Music at April 25
Prof. Matei Ioachimescu Master Classes for the flutists
Prof. G.Pappalardo, Prof. Ch.Rapisarda, Prof. Sofia Marocco (Italy) public lecture “Rythms and Tonality Through the Analysis of the Repertoire”
Prof. Sofia Marocco (Italy) Master Classes for pianists-accompaniment, piano duet
Prof. Alexander Paley class concert will be held on 19th of April at Music Academy Concert Hall
Prof. Anthony Ciaccio (Piano/Italy) Master Classes for students of the Piano Department
Jörg Leichtfried (Piano/Austria) Master Classes for students of the Jazz Department
Prof. Bojidara Kouzmanova-Vladar (violin, Austria) Master Classes for students of the String
ERIC LAMB (flute, Austria) Master Classes for students of the wind and percussion department
Prof. KONRAD JARNOT (Germany) Master Classes for singers
Aleksander Stachowski (Acedemy of Music in Lodz) Accordion Masterclass
Master Classes for String players
Arnaud Pairier-Wolodkowicz (France) lectures and meetings with students of orchestral and choral conducting
LATIN AMERICAN EVENING – students’ concert
Students’ Concert “New Year”
Concert “Friendship Rhapsody” at Music Academy on 5th of December
Marie-Andree Joerger (France) Masterclasses for accordeonists
Prof. Marco Pierobon (trumpet, Italy) Master Classes
Master Classes for Jazz Department students
Congratulations to B3 student Xichen Wang, who won the 3rd place in the International Pianists’ Competition “Lisztofonija-IV”
Composer İlkay Bora Öder (Turkey) Lecture: Lightning Sibelius: From Basic to Pro Tips for a Lightning Speed Workflow and Advanced Music Notation
Lecture-seminar “Operas by Calabrian Composers of the 19th-20th Centuries” will be held by lecturers: Prof. F. Russo (Italy) and Prof. G. Currao (Italy)
Prof. Aram Hovhannisyan lecture “Being a contemporary composer in the musical scene of Armenia”
Prof. Hans Eijsackers Master Classes for Piano Department students
Prof. Frencesc Gaya (viola, Spain) Master Classes for String Department students
The Erasmus+ EU/EEA and Erasmus+ and Bilateral Exchange Programmes outside the EU/EEA for the Spring Semester 2023-2024
Prof. F.Guaiana (Italy) Master Classes for Jazz Department students
Nijolė Dorotėja Beniušytė (Italy) Master Classes for Piano Department students
Meiqi Zhang (M1) and Jiayi Liu (M1) were awarded for the social activities and assistance to foreign students of Music Academy at Spring Farewell event
An Orchestra Conductor, Musical Director and Chief Conductor at Coin du Roi Prof. Cristian Frattima held Master Classes at Music Academy
Final Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition 2023
Music Academy teachers – lect. Julija Sadaunykaitė, assist. Nerijus Jakštonis and assist. Paulius Kaminskas and accompanist Dominykas Šimonis participated in the Transform4europe festival in Katowice, Poland.
April 28 Zara McFarlane, one of the most talented and prominent British jazz vocalists of today, visited the Academy of Music and gave Master Classes to the students of the Jazz Department
Christian Frattima (Italy) master Classes for Singing Department students
Master Class for soloists by the Prof. Mario Maurizio Preziosi (Italy)
Artistic activities of teachers
Students’ artistic works
Master Classes for symphonic conducting students by Prof. Nicola Ventrella (Italy)
Lecture for Singing Department students by Prof. Maria Innocenza Runco (Italy)
Master Classes of Prof. Massimiliano Martinelli (cello, Italy)
Vocal Music Concert on 28th of March
Master Classes for clarinetists
Master Classes for flutists
Master Classes for pianists
Concert Kuzmas Trio (Latvia)
Vytautas Magnus Trio (Prof. R.Butvila, prof. A.Paley, M.Sakavičius) and K.Kolakauskas concert!
Prof. Francesco Bruno (Italy) Master Classes for the flutists
Akimirkos iš Prof. Maciej Zagorski (Lenkija) fortepijono koncerto-rečitalio/Some moments from Prof. Maciej Zagorski (Poland) Piano concert
Accordion Department introduction in 2023
Prof. Mihkel Peäske Master Class for the flutists
Prof. Momir Novakovic (Accordeon) Master Class
Prof. Maciej Zagorski (Poland) Piano concert and Master Class
VMU Invites You to a Student Conference “Freedom to Create 2023”
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is pleased to invite our distinguished colleagues from partner Universities to carry out Erasmus+ Training Mobilities at VMU
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is pleased to invite our distinguished colleagues from partner Universities to carry out Erasmus+ Teaching Mobilities at VMU
ERASMUS+ STUDIES in EU/EEA and COMPETITION FOR EXCHANGE STUDIES IN non-EU/EEA countries for the Autumn or Spring semesters!
Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition
Inga Liukaitytė (UK) Master Classes for pianists
The competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants. Application deadline is the 30th of April, 2022.
„Transform4Europe“ organises and invites VMU students to register to the first Festival of European Culture, which will take place in May 4–8
Admission to Degree Studies
We offer four different programmes for international mobilities: Erasmus+ studies (EU countries)
Vytautas Magnus congratulates Liszt
Buvusi „Lietuvos balso“ dalyvė Karina pristato dainą: skiria „heiteriams“ ir tiems, kurie patiria patyčias
International Magnus Piano Competition dedicated to F.Liszt
Congratulations to the new Professor of VMU Music Academy Piano Department, pianist Alexander Paley!
Kviečiame į nuotolinį koncertą! VDU MA Pianistai Valstybinėje Kauno Filharmonijos Didžiojoje salėje
Good news! The Music Academy has got its own YouTube channel…
Congratulations to Diana Pilate
Studies plan for Music Academy students (Bachelors and Master degree)
New partner
Information for Master degree study programme
Long Term Volunteering Program in Kaunas
Why do Foreign Students Choose Studies at VMU?
Apply Now: Bilateral Exchange Abroad
Apply Now: Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition
Competition for Erasmus+ Studies Abroad
Music Academy was re-opened after reconstruction